Sacramento Loaves And Fishes
1321 North C St
Sacramento, CA - 95814
(916) 446-0874
Sacramento, CA - 95814
(916) 446-0874
About Sacramento Loaves And Fishes
Loaves And Fishes Began In 1983 As A Hospitality And Hot Lunch Program To Hungry People In Sacramento, California. Since Then, Loaves And Fishes Has Expanded To Meet The Needs Of The Growing Homeless Population; It Is Now One Of The Largest Private Networks Of Integrated Services For Homeless People In The Region. Our Mission And Programs Focus On Survival Services: Hot Breakfast For Women And Children, Hot Lunch For 600-1000 People Each Day, Showers, Bathrooms, Day Shelter, And Health Services, And They Bring Up To 1000 Hungry And Homeless Guests To Our Village Each Day.