Chicanos Por La Causa - Nogales
513 W. Valle Verde Place #5
Nogales, AZ - 85621
Fax Number: 520-281-9869
Nogales, AZ - 85621
Fax Number: 520-281-9869
About Chicanos Por La Causa - Nogales
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD Housing) authorized Housing Assistance agency. Housing assistance programs include:
Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling
Non-Delinquency Post Purchase Workshops for Homeowners
Pre purchase Counseling
Pre purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops
Predatory Lending Education Workshops
Rental Assistance Housing Counseling
We can also assist by speaking the following languages -
Anonymous - Sep 4, 2022
I'm looking for help with renters assistance for this month. I work in produce and my job hasn't started, also I would like to get more information about owning my own home.